Read lock files as tibble or list
- paths
Path to lock files
- format
Return object format. Either 'list', 'tibble' or 'renv'. See details.
- encoding
Text encoding, See
If argument paths
is longer than one, then a list is returned.
Argument format
denotes return object format for the lockfile.
Argument method
denotes which method to use to read a lockfile. 'list'
reads the lockfile and preserves it as it is as much as possible. 'tibble'
returns a tibble.'renv' uses the read function from renv
) which returns a list.
This option might update the lockfile structure to be current.
# read one lock file as a tibble
path <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package = "renvtools"), "renv-r4.4.1.lock")
read_lock(path, format = "tibble")
#> R version: 4.4.1
#> Bioc version: 3.19
#> # A tibble: 294 x 14
#> Package Version Source Repository Hash Requirements OS_type RemoteType
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 BH 1.84.0-0 Reposi~ RSPM a823~ <NULL> NA NA
#> 2 BiocManager 1.30.23 Reposi~ RSPM 47e9~ <chr [1]> NA NA
#> 3 BiocVersion 3.19.1 Biocon~ Bioconduc~ b892~ <chr [1]> NA NA
#> 4 CFtime 1.4.0 Reposi~ RSPM 630f~ <chr [2]> NA NA
#> 5 DBI 1.2.3 Reposi~ RSPM 065a~ <chr [2]> NA NA
#> 6 DiagrammeR 1.0.11 Reposi~ RSPM 584c~ <chr [19]> NA NA
#> 7 FNN 1.1.4 Reposi~ RSPM eaab~ <chr [1]> NA NA
#> 8 KernSmooth 2.23-24 Reposi~ CRAN 9f33~ <chr [2]> NA NA
#> 9 Lahman 11.0-0 Reposi~ RSPM 5b6f~ <chr [2]> NA NA
#> 10 LearnBayes 2.15.1 Reposi~ RSPM b2dd~ <NULL> NA NA
#> # i 284 more rows
#> # i 6 more variables: RemoteHost <chr>, RemoteRepo <chr>, RemoteUsername <chr>,
#> # RemotePkgRef <chr>, RemoteRef <chr>, RemoteSha <chr>
# read one lock file as a list
x <- read_lock(path, format = "list")
# read several lock files as a list of tibbles
paths <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "renvtools"), full.names = TRUE)
names(paths) <- basename(paths)
x <- read_lock(paths, format = "tibble")
# read several lock files as a list of lists
x <- read_lock(paths, format = "list")