Icons in Quarto

Icon usage in Quarto


Roy Francis


January 13, 2025

The complete version of this document is available at https://github.com/rich-iannone/quarto-icons-examples.

1 FontAwesome

1.1 Installation

quarto install extension quarto-ext/fontawesome

1.2 Usage


{{< fa [brands] <icon-name> [additional args] >}}

Any of the free icons from Font Awesome Version 5 can be used. Some of free icons are in the ‘brands’ set (e.g., "apple", "uber", "github", etc.) and these need to use the sequence of fa brands <icon-name>. Here are some examples:

{{< fa star >}}
{{< fa image >}}
{{< fa house >}}
{{< fa binoculars >}}
{{< fa brands apple >}}
{{< fa brands microsoft >}}
{{< fa battery-half >}}
{{< fa earth-oceania >}}

The [additional args] allows you to (1) define a size for the icon, and (2) add a ‘title’ to the icon.

1.3 Sizing

Literal sizing

{{< fa star size=1x >}} {{< fa star size=2x >}} {{< fa star size=3x >}} {{< fa star size=4x >}} {{< fa star size=5x >}}

Relative sizing

{{< fa star size=2xs >}} {{< fa star size=xs >}} {{< fa star size=sm >}} {{< fa star size=lg >}} {{< fa star size=xl >}} {{< fa star size=2xl >}}

1.4 Styling

Example showing css style.

[{{< fa brands reddit >}}]{style="color: red; font-size: 3em;"}

1.5 Label

A ‘title’ for a Font Awesome icon is displayed on mouse hover.

{{< fa battery-half size=5x title="Battery: 50%">}}

1.6 Manual

Manually inserting icons using html

<i class="fa-brands fa-r-project"></i>

With custom css style:

[<i class="fa-brands fa-r-project"></i>]{style="color: red; font-size: 3em; opacity: 0.75; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px blue;"}

2 Academicons

2.1 Installation

quarto install extension schochastics/academicons

2.2 Usage


{{< ai <icon-name> [additional args] >}}

Some examples

{{< ai jstor >}}
{{< ai orcid >}}
{{< ai inspire >}}
{{< ai open-data >}}

The [additional args] allow you to (1) define a size for the icon, and (2) change the color of the icon.

2.3 Sizing

Literal sizing

Relative sizing

2.4 Styling

Custom styling

[{{< ai orcid >}}]{style="color: red; font-size: 3em;"}

3 bsicons

3.1 Installation

quarto install extension shafayetShafee/bsicons

3.2 Usage


{{< bi <icon-name> [additional args] >}}


{{< bi box-seam >}}
{{< bi trophy >}}
{{< bi x >}}
{{< bi robot >}}
{{< bi phone >}}
{{< bi microsoft >}}
{{< bi image >}}

The [additional args] allow you to (1) define a size for the icon, (2) change the color of the icon, and (3) add a ‘title’ to the icon.

3.3 Sizing

Here is the "stars" icon sized to "20px"

{{< bi stars size=20px >}}

Here is "stars" at "2em":

{{< bi stars size=2em >}}

3.4 Color options

The bsicons extension has an argument to change the color of the icon (color). As with the size argument, any type of CSS color declaration (e.g., named colors, hexadecimal colors, RGB or HSL color models, etc.) can be used here.

Here are some examples

{{< bi twitch color=lightseagreen >}}

{{< bi stars color=hsl(15,80%,56%) >}}

{{< bi windows color=#FF6088 >}}

{{< bi alarm-fill color=blue >}}

{{< bi ubuntu color=rgb(100,0,179) >}}

{{< bi terminal-fill color=rgba(157,96,50,0.8) >}}

3.5 Label

{{< bi alarm-fill label="This is an alarm">}}

All of the Bootstrap icons that work with the bsicons Quarto extension are viewable at


3.6 Manual

Manually grabbing the <svg> tag directly from the icon page for the icon. This was taken from the icon URL https://icons.getbootstrap.com/icons/cake/:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-cake" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="m7.994.013-.595.79a.747.747 0 0 0 .101 1.01V4H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3H2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h14a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H8.5V1.806A.747.747 0 0 0 8.592.802l-.598-.79ZM4 6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h6a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v.414a.911.911 0 0 1-.646-.268 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0A.911.911 0 0 1 4 6.414V6Zm0 1.414c.49 0 .98-.187 1.354-.56a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.748.747 1.96.747 2.708 0a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.374.373.864.56 1.354.56V9H4V7.414ZM1 11a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v.793l-.354.354a.914.914 0 0 1-1.293 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.707 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0L1 11.793V11Zm11.646 1.854a1.915 1.915 0 0 0 2.354.279V15H1v-1.867c.737.452 1.715.36 2.354-.28a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.748.748 1.96.748 2.708 0a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.748.748 1.96.748 2.707 0a.914.914 0 0 1 1.293 0Z"/></svg>

Styling up

[<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-cake" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="m7.994.013-.595.79a.747.747 0 0 0 .101 1.01V4H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3H2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h14a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H8.5V1.806A.747.747 0 0 0 8.592.802l-.598-.79ZM4 6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h6a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v.414a.911.911 0 0 1-.646-.268 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0A.911.911 0 0 1 4 6.414V6Zm0 1.414c.49 0 .98-.187 1.354-.56a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.748.747 1.96.747 2.708 0a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.374.373.864.56 1.354.56V9H4V7.414ZM1 11a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v.793l-.354.354a.914.914 0 0 1-1.293 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.707 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0 1.914 1.914 0 0 0-2.708 0 .914.914 0 0 1-1.292 0L1 11.793V11Zm11.646 1.854a1.915 1.915 0 0 0 2.354.279V15H1v-1.867c.737.452 1.715.36 2.354-.28a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.748.748 1.96.748 2.708 0a.914.914 0 0 1 1.292 0c.748.748 1.96.748 2.707 0a.914.914 0 0 1 1.293 0Z"/></svg>]{style="color: red; opacity: 0.75;"}

4 Material Icons

4.1 Installation

quarto add shafayetShafee/material-icons

4.2 Usage


{{< mi <icon-name> [additional args] >}}


{{< mi bar_chart >}}


{{< mi account_circle >}}


{{< mi verified_user >}}


{{< mi assignment >}}


The [additional args] allow you to (1) define a size for the icon, (2) change the icon type, (3) change the color of the icon, and (4) define a CSS class for the icon.

4.3 Sizing

{{< mi assignment size=20px >}}


{{< mi assignment size=2em >}}


4.4 Styling

You can style a Material icon in any color. There are styling guidelines available at the material design icons guidelines page; with active icons they recommend using either black at 54% opacity or white at 100% opacity when displaying these on light or dark backgrounds, respectively. If an icon is disabled or inactive, using black at 26% or white at 30% for light and dark backgrounds, respectively.

You can use predefined CSS classes "md-dark", "md-light", or "md-inactive". Pass one of these classes to the shortcode using class keyword argument. To pass multiple classes, pass them as space separated and wrapped within quotes.

{{< mi insights class=md-dark >}}


{{< mi insights class="md-dark md-inactive" >}}


You can also provide any valid CSS color using the color keyword argument. Here are some examples of that:

{{< mi bubble_chart color=cornflowerblue >}}


{{< mi bubble_chart color=#E86033 >}}


{{< mi bubble_chart color=rgb(232,96,51) >}}


Material icons comes in five types. These are: (1) filled (the default used for the shortcode), (2) outlined, (3) sharp, (4) two_tone, and (5) round. You can provide this keyword as the second argument to the shortcode (after the icon name).

filled {{< mi analytics >}}


outlined {{< mi analytics type=outlined >}}


tow_tone {{< mi analytics type=two_tone >}}


sharp {{< mi analytics type=sharp >}}


round {{< mi analytics type=round >}}


All of the Material icons that work with the material-icons Quarto extension are viewable at


5 Iconify

5.1 Installation

quarto add mcanouil/quarto-iconify

5.2 Usage


{{< iconify <set> <icon-name> [additional args] >}}

Any of the icons from Iconify v1.0.7 can be used. Icons are split into sets and the default set is "fluent-emoji". Explore all of the icons at:



{{< iconify axe >}}
{{< iconify chart-increasing >}}
{{< iconify house >}}
{{< iconify worried-face >}}
{{< iconify tdesign address-book >}}
{{< iconify game-icons whistle >}}
{{< iconify solar airbuds-case-open-outline >}}
{{< iconify skill-icons mastodon-light >}}

The [additional args] allow you to (1) define a size for the icon, and (2) add a ‘title’ to the icon.

5.3 Sizing

Literal sizing

{{< iconify house size=1x >}} {{< iconify house size=2x >}} {{< iconify house size=3x >}} {{< iconify house size=4x >}} {{< iconify house size=5x >}} {{< iconify house size=6x >}} {{< iconify house size=7x >}} {{< iconify house size=8x >}} {{< iconify house size=9x >}} {{< iconify house size=10x >}}

Relative sizing

{{< iconify house size=2xs >}} {{< iconify house size=xs >}} {{< iconify house size=sm >}} {{< iconify house size=lg >}} {{< iconify house size=xl >}} {{< iconify house size=2xl >}}

5.4 Styling

[{{< iconify house >}}]{style="color: red; font-size: 3em;"}

5.5 Label

{{< iconify house size=5x title="This is my house">}}

6 Lordicon

6.1 Installation

quarto add jmgirard/lordicon

6.2 Usage


{{< li <icon-name> [additional args] >}}

To find icon codes, go to Lordicon website, hit the Explore Library button and select the Free Icons filter on the left-hand side. You can choose a style for the icon (possiblities are flat, gradient, lineal, and outline).

Click on any icon, hit the </> HTML button on the bottom of that info listing and a popover will appear with the eight-letter code. You need to transpose that to lowercase as using uppercase letters won’t work :( .

{{< li xxdqfhbi >}}

6.3 Options

Each style of icon (flat, gradient, etc.) will have an entirely different eight-letter code.

The trigger argument controls the icon’s animation type. When using the loop or loop-on-hover triggers, you can also set an optional delay (in ms) between loops.

{{< li xxdqfhbi >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=click >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=hover >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=loop >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=loop delay=1000 >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=loop-on-hover >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=loop-on-hover delay=1000 >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=morph >}}
{{< li xxdqfhbi trigger=boomerang >}}

The speed argument controls how quickly the icon’s animation plays.

{{< li lupuorrc trigger=loop speed=0.5 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc trigger=loop speed=1.0 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc trigger=loop speed=2.0 >}}

The colors argument controls the icon’s coloring. Outline icons typically have just a primary and secondary color, but "flat" and "lineal" icons can have many more. Each color should be given in rank:color format (where ranks are "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", etc.) and multiple colors should be separated by commas. Colors can be given as CSS color names or as hexadecimal colors.

{{< li lupuorrc >}}
{{< li lupuorrc colors=primary:gold >}}
{{< li lupuorrc colors=primary:gray,secondary:orange >}}
{{< li lupuorrc colors=primary:#4030e8,secondary:#ee66aa >}}

The stroke argument controls how thick the lines in an icon are.

{{< li lupuorrc stroke=50 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc stroke=100 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc stroke=150 >}}

The scale icon controls how large or zoomed in the icon is.

{{< li lupuorrc scale=25 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc scale=50 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc scale=100 >}}

The x arg controls the horizontal position of the center of the icon.

{{< li lupuorrc x=25 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc x=50 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc x=100 >}}

The y arg controls the vertical position of the center of the icon.

{{< li lupuorrc y=25 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc y=50 >}}
{{< li lupuorrc y=100 >}}

The complete version of this document is available at https://github.com/rich-iannone/quarto-icons-examples.