NBIS support 0000

Project title

Description of the project

John Doe



NBIS ID: 0000
Request by: John Doe (john.doe@email.com)
Principal Investigator: John Doe (john.doe@email.com)
Organisation: Some university
NBIS Staff: John Doe (john.doe@nbis.se)

Support request

Long description of the support request.

1 Methods

This is some code

2 Deliverables

2.1 Directory

3 Practical info

3.1 Software

List of tools and versions or session info.

3.2 Data responsibility

The responsibility for data archiving lies with the PI of the project. We do not offer long-term storage or retrieval of data.

  • NBIS & UPPNEX: We kindly ask that you remove the files from UPPMAX/UPPNEX. The main storage at UPPNEX is optimized for high-speed and parallel access, which makes it expensive and not the right place for longer time archiving. Please consider others by not taking up the expensive space. Please note that UPPMAX is a resource separate from the Bioinformatics Platform, administered by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) and SNIC-specifc project rules apply to all projects hosted at UPPMAX.
  • Sensitive data: Please note that special considerations may apply to the human-derived legally considered sensitive personal data. These should be handled according to specific laws and regulations as outlined e.g. here.
  • Long-term backup: We recommend asking your local IT for support with long-term data archiving. The Data Office at SciLifeLab may be of help to discuss other options.

3.3 Acknowledgments

If you are presenting the results in a paper, at a workshop or conference, we kindly ask you to acknowledge us.

  • NBIS staff are encouraged to be co-authors when this is merited in accordance to the ethical recommendations for authorship, e.g. ICMJE recommendations. If applicable, please include Name, Surname, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden, Science for Life Laboratory, Further Affliations, as co-author. In other cases, NBIS would be grateful if support by us is acknowledged in publications according to this example:

“Support by NBIS (National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden) is gratefully acknowledged.”

  • UPPMAX kindly asks you to acknowledge UPPMAX and NAISS.

  • NGI: For publications based on data from NGI Sweden, NGI and SciLifeLab should be acknowledged. Instructions are included in the NGI reports as described here.

Updated: 18-02-2024 at 20:23:50.